What is a stye and why do they appear?

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All about Styes – Sties

Do you know what that pimple-like red bump is on the tip of your eyelid? In today’s article, we will learn what a stye is and why they appear.

So why does a Stye come out? How do I know if I have a Stye? We’ll learn all about Styes and cover the symptoms related to Styes.

At the same time, we will distinguish between an internal Stye and an external Stye and discover how to know when a Stye is healing.

We will learn to distinguish between a stye and a chalazion and explain what to do when a stye bursts. Also, what does it mean when you have an, and what is an encysted Stye?

What is a Stye?

A stye is an inflammation that appears on your eyelid, usually on the edge of the eyelid on the outside. However, it can also appear on the inside.

Having a Stye can be painful, and it’s reddish and resembles a pimple.

Learn to detect whether you have a Stye or Not: How Do I Know If It Is A Stye In My Eye?

What Does Stye Mean?

According to Diccionary.com, a Stye is: “Inflammation of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid, usually caused by bacteria. Technical name Hordeolum”.

What does a stye in the eye look like?

A stye is a swelling in the sebaceous glands, usually accompanied by pain, swelling, and redness in the eyelid (upper or lower).

A Stye usually only appears in one eye at a time. It is uncommon for it to occur in both eyes simultaneously.

Why does a stye occur?

There are several potential causes for Styes to appear. However, a bacterial infection is the most common reason for a Stye to appear.

Symptoms Of A Stye In The Eye

The symptoms of a stye are:

  • Swelling of the eyelid
  • Sensitive to touch
  • Pain in the eyelid, especially when the affected area is felt.
  • The appearance of a reddish pimple-like bump on the eyelid
  • Tearing

How do you know if it is a stye?

We distinguish between two types of Styes: External and Internal. The external stye is more common, although it can also occur internally.

What is an External Stye or external hordeolum?

The ‘external Stye‘ is the most common type of stye and is seen on the skin of the eyelid. This type of stye is related to inflammation of the hair follicle of your eyelash and the Zeis gland.

The external stye, is characterized by its formation on the edge of the eyelid, very close to the eyelashes. Generally, it has a small yellowish spot, meaning it has pus inside.

What is an internal stye or internal hordeolum?

An internal hordeolum or stye is located on the inner part of the eyelid. It is caused by an infection of the meibomian glands (which are responsible for producing eyelid oil).

An internal hordeolum is usually more painful and redder than an external hordeolum.

How Do You Know A Stye Is Healing?

A stye typically only lasts for a couple of days. However, sometimes it can take several months to heal and disappear. In this case, the stye may no longer be swollen, become whitish, and can turn into a chalazion.

A chalazion is a small cyst on the eyelid and is painless.

If the stye has not started to improve within 48 hours, it is advisable to see a doctor so that it can be checked.

Also, see a doctor immediately if the swelling or redness extends beyond the eyelid and affects other facial parts (such as the cheeks).

How Do You Know If It's A Stye Or A Chalazion?

What Is The Difference Between A Stye And A Chalazion?

The main difference between a stye and a chalazion is that a stye is an acute infectious process, and a chalazion is a chronic non-infectious process. Usually, a stye is the cause of the chalazion, although this is not always the case.

A chalazion occurs when the fat gland of the eyelid becomes clogged, a swollen lump in the eyelid.

A chalazion may begin as an internal hordeolum. At first, you may not know it is a chalazion because you may not feel pain.

However, as it grows, the eyelid may become red, swollen, and tender to the touch.

Stye Or Chalazion?

Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between a stye and a chalazion. A stye is usually very painful, usually appears on the edge of the eyelid, swells, and this can affect the entire eyelid.

In contrast, a chalazion is usually not painful. The lump tends to appear further back on the eyelid than a stye. It is uncommon for the entire eyelid to swell from a chalazion.

If the chalazion becomes large enough, it can cause blurred vision as it adds pressure to your eye.

What to do when a stye bursts?

A stye should not be squeezed or popped, as this can spread the infection throughout the eyelid and cause other complications.

Typically, the stye disappears or bursts on its own.

Specialists advise washing the eye carefully with warm water and with the help of a compress.

Our best advice is, and always will be, to go to a doctor’s office so that they can check it properly.

What is an encysted stye?

Generally, the stye usually disappears within a few days. Still, sometimes it becomes encysted, and surgery is necessary to remove it.

Therefore, it is essential to visit an ophthalmologist for evaluation and treatment.

If you have any doubts or questions, please see a doctor for a check-up and to rule out other ailments or diseases.